Tham khảo Hetaira

  1. Kapparis, Konstantinos A. (1999). Apollodoros 'Against Neaira' [D.59]. tr. 161. 
  2. Kapparis, Konstantinos A. (1999). Apollodoros 'Against Neaira' [D.59]. tr. 5. 
  3. Kapparis, Konstantinos A. (1999). Apollodoros 'Against Neaira' [D.59]. tr. 422–423. 
  4. Seltman, Charles (1953). Women in Greek Society. London. tr. 115ff. , quoted in Davidson 1997, tr. 75Lỗi harv: không có mục tiêu: CITEREFDavidson1997 (trợ giúp)
  5. Kurke, Leslie (1997). “Inventing the "Hetaira": Sex, Politics, and Discursive Conflict in Archaic Greece”. Classical Antiquity 16 (1): 107–108. 
  6. McClure, Laura (2003). “Subversive Laughter: The Sayings of Courtesans in Book 13 of Athenaeus' Deipnosophistae”. The American Journal of Philology 124 (2): 268. 
  7. Hamel, Debra (2003). Trying Neaira: The True Story of a Courtesan's Scandalous Life in Ancient Greece. New Haven & London: Yale University Press. tr. 12.